Visual Art 
- Fyscuit Cafe's Live 2D Tricks Compendium: Resources related to creating and editing live 2D models (currently linking to twitter but taking them offsite is planned)
- Random Met Gallery: Random images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art website, all public domain
- Smithsonian Open Access: Over 4.5 million 2D and 3D pieces from the Smithsonian, all free to use and remix
- KIDPIX: KIDPIX in your browser
- Photopea: Photoshop in your browser
- SauceNAO: Reverse image search for artwork
- ezgif: Online tool for making and editing gifs
- Compress Image: JPG, PNG, SVG, and GIF compressor
- Dither Me This: Image ditherer
- PASOKONGA: Vector art made using Microsoft Excel
- OneLook: Online thesaurus for finding synonyms and related words of whatever prompt you type
- Musical Artifacts: Free samples, soundfonts, instruments, and more
- SampleRadar: 85k+ free music samples
- Songfight: A weekly online songwriting competition revolving around making a song that fits the given title
- Novembeat: An informal challenge to record one piece of music every day of November
- Jamuary: An informal challenge to record one song every day of January
- National Solo Album Month: An annual challenge to write, record, and release an entire album in the span of the month of November
- 5090 Challenge: An annual challenge from July 4st to October 1st to write 50 songs in 90 days
- Every Noise at Once: A project meant to graph every genre, using data from Spotify (ew)
- Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music: An interactive timeline of the evolution of different electronic music genres, up to the 2010s
nothing yet!
Coding / Tech 
- Bitmap Fonts: Freeware pixel-wide fonts (Great for buttons/blinkes!)
- Fontesk: Free fonts & typefaces; both personal and commercial are available
- Zonelets: Free javascript blogging template/engine
- Visual Studio Code: Robust open-source code edior with lots of downloadablee extensions
Video Games
- DoujinSoft Store: A collection of games, music, and comics created with Warioware DIY; available to transfer to your own copy of the game
- PMDCollab SpriteCollab: A fan project aiming to recreate every pokemon in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers style
- Flipnote Player: Website meant for playing flipnote files
- FlyingMyColors: Care Bears fansite
- Care Bears Forever: Care Bears fansite
- Tamenagerie: Tamagotchi fansite
- TamaShell Tamagotchi fansite detailing every shell Tamagotchi can have across the series
- The My Little Pony Preservation Project: Guide to G1 My Little Pony toy restoration
- Fakie Spaceman: Blog themed around the documentation of toys, mainly focusing on My Little Pony (including fakies)
- The Fakie Hideout: My Little Pony fakie fansite, documenting the many types of fakies out there
- Yay Ponies: Archive of most My Little Pony media released, with download links
- The Old Robot's Webpage: Commercial robot fansite
- Polyamorous relationship graph/visualizer
- Pronoun Dressing Room: Website for trying out different name/pronoun sets, with several pronoun sets provided
- Name and Pronoun Tryouts: Website for trying out different name/pronoun sets
- Queering the Map: Interactive map of queer experiences from around the world
- Comparing Heights: Height comparison visualizer
- /afs/cs/project/ai-repository/ai/util/areas/nlp/corpora/names: List of basically every western first and last name there is