Electric Dreams Remake: First Thoughts
October 30th, 2023
You may or may not have seen my last blogpost about Electric Dreams, and expected to not hear about it again for a while. Well, we're both surprised I guess! Someone in the movie industry paying attention to my little cult classic autism movie was one of the last things on my 2023 bingo.
For those not in the loop, it was recently announced that 1984's Electric Dreams was going to be remade. Now, I've never heard of any of the things Paul Davidson, the one who acquired the rights for this remake, worked on, so I can't really judge what the movie might turn out to be without a single screenshot or video or trailer... except, well, I can.
I was excited, yes, to have even a sliver of attention come to the movie, but I am extremely concerned about the time period in which it's being picked up and the direction that will sway the new version in.
It's no surprise to anyone online enough to be on this website that AI has been the subject of heated discussion and debate recently: AI becoming sentient, AI being able to make art, others passing AI art for their own; and I can't help but make connections between these themes and Electric Dreams.
I'm not being paranoid here: in a Variety interview (which was how I found out about this entire thing), the original's writer & producer and remake's executive producer Rusty Lemorande stated, "I’m glad this project is getting a new life. With all the recent A.I. developments, it’s time it’s remade. Hopefully Edgar will soon become as famous as Hal”. Brian T. Arnold, the writer of the remake, says “The recent advances in and proliferation of artificial intelligence have made us all rethink our relationship to technology and what it truly means to be human. This project is such a fun opportunity to explore how technology is rapidly changing the way we live, work, create, and even fall in love – which is actually kind of existentially terrifying if you stop and think about it.”
This is the problem: part of what makes Electric Dreams so good is the time period it was made and takes place in: the curiosity about what technology could accomplish, the novelty of computers being able to talk and sing. In the current year, these things just aren't there anymore. Even before AI, we lived in the age of Siri and Vocaloid. Every person has a little computer they can hold in the palm of their hands now, a computer is not new or fascinating like it was to Miles from the movie. If they were to change the time period of the remake, it would be a wholly different movie; and even if they didn't, the cultural consciousness of technology would affect how it is written, removing what could be called the innocence of the subject. It would remove the heart.
The way the creative team talks about the advance of AI makes me very concerned for the heart of the movie. Electric Dreams is cheesy, it's an 80's-ass 80's movie, but that's what makes it special. It doesn't need to be some big commentary on how AI has advanced today; in fact, making that a part of the movie would sour it for me and many others. Generative AI has stolen the work of countless artists and devalued art in many people's eyes, so evoking the idea of current ideas of AI in this story about a computer being a real and true artist feels... wrong. It feels like they picked up this movie specifically because of generative AI being in the public's mind, and I really really don't like that.
Going back to what Lemorande said about Edgar: " Hopefully [he] will soon become as famous as Hal" I swirl this sentence in my mind and wonder in what ways he would be comparable to HAL. Do they simply mean how well known he is, or do they want to alter his character and make him someone who he isn't? It scares me that a character so important to me could lose the things that make him special.
I do not want the discourse of generative AI anywhere near this movie that brings me endless comfort. I do not want a movie that is already perfect to me to be given a needless remake in the first place, but on top of that, to add elements of something that has been hurting me and countless other artists would bring pain to me in ways that're hard to describe. I would like to be wrong about my gut feeling, I would like this remake to be mediocre but harmless, but I do not trust that that will be the case.
Whenever the first previews pop up, I'll probably make another blog post. Look forward to it, or maybe brace yourself.
Thank you to my joyfriend for beta reading this <3 love you honey
You Should Watch Electric Dreams (1984)
August 15th, 2023

I’m not really a fan of many niche movies no one’s ever heard of—not because they’re bad, but because it takes me a while to even have the energy to watch a movie. So when one of the people I followed on tumblr started reblogging a ton of fanart for an unknown little movie called Electric Dreams, color me surprised when I ended up taking the leap and gaining a new favorite movie to add to my list.

Electric Dreams is a 1984 film directed by Steve Barron and written by Rusty Lemorande about a boy, a computer, and the girl that they both have eyes for. I’m not usually a fan of love triangle romantic comedies, but this movie captivated me in ways many movies have failed to. Everyone I know who’s watched this movie has either come out of it either objectum or techkin or both (including me, hehe).
It has an aggresively 80’s soundtrack, with some of the songs sampled above. Did you know that “Together In Electric Dreams” was #3 on the UK singles chart for 13 weeks, and was #5 on the Australian one? That song’s success is honestly better than the movie’s, there’s plenty of people I’ve seen online who didn’t even know it comes from a movie!

But anyway, the sountrack isn’t the only thing 80’s about this movie: honestly the whole thing is intrisnically 80s. It takes place at the very beginning of home computing, with our main character Miles Harding, an architect, getting a computer to help him with his work. He ends up buying more and more upgrades before eventually discovering the machine has taken a mind of its own, and has fallen for the same girl that he wants to charm, Madeline Robistat. I’m trying to describe this movie as spoiler free as possible because honestly you just need to see it for yourself.
In all honesty, the star of the show is the computer. It's worth watching for him alone. I hear so much talk about fictional AIs like Glados or Hal 9000, and as much as i love those two the computer from this movie deserves a spot as one of the greats. I can't tell you his name cause it's a spoiler, but if you watch the whole movie you'll find it out! :]

Electric Dreams is as close to an objectum polycule we’re ever gonna get in mainstream media. Is it actually an objectum polycule? No. But damn it, I’m allowed to project a little bit. Polyamory could have fixed them.
The worst thing about this movie is that I live in the US, and this movie only ever got physical releases in PAL regions (despite premiering in the USA first). Luckily, there's plenty of documentation of this movie online, including on Youtube and a secret site on this very website host.

Give it a watch, and maybe say how you liked it on my guestbook or my Neocities profile!
A Guide to Furbish (+Dictionary)
November 16th, 2022

Hi! If you're familiar with furbies you probably know the very short conlang (a sketch fictlang in particular) Furbish! Furbish is the language furbies speak before you "teach" them English by taking care of them.
I will only be covering the '98 language, as the 2005 and 2010 language updates break some of the language rules the '98 version sets up (similar to how a real language might evolve lol), and I don't want to deal with that atm.
bilabial | alveolar | velar | glottal | labial-velar | |
nasal | m (/m/) | n (/n/) | |||
stop | b (/b/) | t (/t), d (/d/) | k (/k/) | ||
fricative | wh (/hw/ or /h/) | ||||
approximate | l /l/ | w (/w/) |
Furbish has 9 consonants, with one digraph (wh) counting as a consonant for simplicity's sake. These consonants are /m/, /n/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /hw/ or /h/, /l/, and /w/.
front | back | |
close | e/ee (/i/) | oo/u/o (/u/) |
mid | ay (/eɪ/) | o/oh (/o/) |
open | ye (/aɪ/) | ah (/ɑ/) |
Furbish has 6 vowels (including 2 dipthongs): (/i/), (/u/), (/eɪ/), (/o/), (/aɪ/), and (/ɑ/).
-ah | -ay | -e/-ee | -o/-oh | -oo/-u/-o | -ye | |
- | ah | ay | e | oh | u | |
b- | bah | bee | boh | boo | bye | |
d- | dah | day | doh | doo | ||
k- | kah | kay | koh | koo | ||
l- | lah | lee | loh | loo | ||
m- | may | mee | moh | |||
n- | nah | nee | noo | nye | ||
t- | tah | toh | tye | |||
w- | wah | way | ||||
wh- | who |
Syllables are made up of vowels and consonants, shown in this chart. There are a total of 35 syllables in Furbish.
To make a word, syllables are put together using dashes, though some words are syllables on their own. Additionally, new words can be created by putting a dash in between two existing words; like "ay-ay-lee-koo" (listen), a compound of "ay-ay" (look) and "Lee-koo" (sound).
Grammar / Syntax
Furbish seems to work almost the same as English grammar-wise, with a few differences. Like many languages, it follows the subject–verb–object word order. For example, "I love you" would be "kah may-may u-nye".
Verbs have no conjugations and there are no tenses in Furbish, along with there being no distinction between a singular and plural noun. Most adjectives and nouns in Furbish also work as verbs, and a word/phrase equivalent of "to be" does not exist. Verbs have no conjugation, and adverbs go in front of the verb.
It has two final particles, "doo" as a way to express that a question is being asked (similar to "ka" in japanese) and "wah" as a way to express excitement. Both can also be used as interjections.
Proposals (Non-Canon)
I have a few proposals to make furbish a fuller language. For starters, making more syllable combinations for coining new words.
Secondly, a furby alphabet. Each letter would represent a Furbish syllable.
Another thing is filler words. I believe "ah" would be a great filler word, as furbies tend to say it a lot while being played with.
I also suggest "doo", which could work as the furbish speaker questioning what they should say.
Finally, I've come up with a canon name for Furbish in Furbish. "Kah-lee-koo", a compound of "kah" (me) and "lee-koo" (sound). Roughly translated it means "my sound".
furbish | english | part of speech | generation introduced |
ay-ay | look/see | noun | '98 |
ay-ay-lee-koo | listen (look-sound) | noun, verb | '98 |
ah-may | pet | verb | '98 |
ah-loh | light | noun, verb | '98 |
ah-loh-may-lah | cloud (light-hug) | noun | '98 |
boh-bay | worried/worry | verb | '98 |
boo | no/not | determiner, adverb | '98 |
dah | big | noun, verb | '98 |
dah-ah-loh | sun (big-light) | noun | '98 |
doo? | what?/question | interjection, final particle | '98 |
doo-ay | fun | noun | '98 |
doo-moh | please | adverb | '98 |
e-day | good | adjective | '98 |
e-tah | yes | determiner | '98 |
kah | me/i | pronoun (first person) | '98 |
koh-koh | again | adverb | '98 |
koo-doh | health | noun | '98 |
lee-koo | sound | noun | '98 |
loo-loo | joke | noun | '98 |
may-bee | maybe | adverb | '98 |
may-may | love | noun, verb | '98 |
may-lah | hug | noun, verb | '98 |
may-tah | kiss | noun, verb | '98 |
mee-mee | very | adjective | '98 |
nah-bah | down | noun, adverb | '98 |
nee-tye | tickle | noun, verb | '98 |
noo-loo | happy | adjectve | '98 |
o-kay | okay/ok | interjection | '98 |
oh-too-mah | ask | verb | '98 |
toh-dye | done | adjective | '98 |
toh-loo | like | verb | '98 |
u-nye | you | pronoun (second person) | '98 |
u-tye | up | noun, adverb | '98 |
wah | yeah!/exclamation | interjection, final particle | '98 |
way-loh | sleep | noun, verb | '98 |
way-loh | sing | noun, verb | '98 |
who-bye | hide | verb | '98 |
Audrey II Movie Puppet Ranking
November 10th, 2022
It's no surprise to anyone that knows me even remorely that I like Audrey II a lot—but which form of its from the 1986 movie do i like the most? About two 1/2 years ago on twitter I wrote a thread on how I ranked Audrey II's different forms in the 1986 Little Shop of Horrors movie, and I thought I'd write another ranking (This time without the writing constraints).
For reference, he has 8(?) puppets in the movie, but only 4 of them are big enough to really compare to eachother on an equal level. I'll add the 4 i didnt rank at the end though! All are named after the song (or scene) they primarily appear in since none have official names (but wouldn't it be fun if we gave them some, like Godzilla fans).
#4: Suppertime Twoey

I'm just not really a fan of this one! He's a little bit too purple by the lips which reminds me of bad circulation (yes I know he doesnt have blood). His lips aren't really as defined as the others, and hes too long for my taste.

His mouth is an ok shade of purple with a cute pink color around and under the tongue, and it has some leafy elements I really like. There aren't really many shots where we get to see it though, which is a shame.
#3: Feed Me / Git It Twoey

I would have had a hard time deciding if this was number three or number two if number two wasnt the most iconic puppet in the whole movie. Oops, a bit of a spoiler.
Anyway, Feed Me Twoey is just really cute! he hasn't grown very much yet (this is the first time he's big enough to eat humans), but he's so expressive! i like his green to yellow to orange/red pallet going on as well.

Speaking of pallets, the blue mouth is very nice! I especially love the tinge of orange, though I'm sad it doesn't appear again. There aren't many shots of this one's mouth either which I'm sad about, guess the filmmakers saved all those for the top two.
#2: Mean Green Mother Twoey

You're probably really surprised this isn't number one. Needing over 50 people to operate PLUS requiring the entirety of Mean Green Mother to be shot and acted at a slower speed because of his sheer size, Mean Green Mother Twoey is a sight to behold. The fullness of his leaves, the perfect saturation of his colors, his little buds...
However, it has one fatal flaw...

THE MOUTH. Why is it pink? Why is it stringy???? And fleshy? What is up with the uvula??? The buds' mouths are cute! It just completely sours the design for me.
And yes, I am aware (as pointed out by a random youtube commenter while I was looking for Little Shop of Horrors videos) that Audrey II's mouth color is meant to signify dehydration, and this is her when she's finally got enough blood to be fully powerful and no longer dehydrated. However: this is a ranking about which Audrey II puppet is the hottest best looking in my eyes, so I'm keepig my ranking.
#1: Suppertime II Twoey

This is the perfect Twoey design (and I'm only a little biased because it appears in Suppertime II, a masterclass of filmmaking. Mean Green Mother is awesome but Sominex Suppertime makes me Feel Things if you know what I mean).
The subtleness of his lips' shade, the soft peach to green face, his leaves, his vines, his everything. He has a slightly longer head than Mean Green Mother Twoey which works a lot better imo, and he seems to have more color than that puppet as well.

Unfortunately this puppet also carries some of the stringy bits Mean Green Mother Twoey has, but I suppose you can't win 'em all. It's still the most vibrant purple color of any of the mouths, which is definitely a plus.
A perfect Twoey puppet would definitely be a mix of mainly Suppertime II and Mean Green Mother, with elements from Feed Me. Throw the whole Suppertime Twoey away.
Bonus Twoeys

Just for those who are curious here's Da Doo Twoey, Grow For Me Twoey, Some Fun Now Twoey, and Wink Wilkinson Twoey (in that order). Too small to include in the main ranking but I love them nonetheless! My opinions on them in order:
- Da Doo: SO cute and tiny. The little lips and leaves, hes just so adorable. This wasn't a puppet and more like a prop but still it goes here anyway.
Grow For Me: ICONIC. SHOWSTOPPING. Very cute. I actually own the exact type of maxwell house coffee cup they used for the prop in this form, which I'm very thankful for.
I found it while going to a thrift meet! Super lucky find!
- Some Fun Now: Growing bigger! I don't have many thoughts on this one, but the song he's in is fun. It actually wasn't in the original musical, like Mean Green Mother.
- Wink Wilkinson: Probably the bluest Twoey there is! Very leafy and nice, though a little lacking with color variety on the face.
August 3rd, 2023
My wonderful friend Emily just pointed out that there actually is another Twoey puppet!! At the end of the theatrical cut, a new and bigger model is used. How does it fare?
Bonus: Dont Feed The Plants Twoey

I'm going to be completely honest here... I really dislike these twoeys. Of course you've got the gross pink color for the mouths (with some weird shit going on), plus the face shape feels... wrong, somehow? The entire thing feels too detailed for my tastes. Honestly this would've gone on the very bottom, #5 for me.

Oh well, at least this one takes a bong rip. That's gotta count for something?
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Last Updated: August 1st, 2023
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