Hi, I'm vurren! I'm a funny animal artist on-line who likes carnivorous plants too much
Feel free to click on a heading for more info on myself!
About Me
-About the Site
-About My Art

I'm Vurren! or Meredith! Whichever is fine, I don't mind. I'm an animal on the internet masquerading as a person in real life.
Basically my entire vibe is radiating queer autistic self indulgence, and this site is surely a testement to that. I don't believe in cringe and I try to enjoy my passions openly! My biggest one is Little Shop of Horrors (both the movie and the musical), of which I've been obsessed with for over 7 years. I selfship with Audrey II, the plant, who is my favorite character of all time.
I'm a huge leftist and we probably won't get along if you aren't too. I believe in a world without capitalism or prisons, where every person is valued and given a chance at life, where justice is restorative. I want a world where people can thrive and create to their heart's content.
I'm polyam and I'm dating Skylar (10/8/2020), plus I'm a metamour of Celeste and metametamour of Lykie (all of whom I'm trying to get to make neocities).
This website is 100% coded and designed by me—well, if you don't count the looking up tutorials and other websites constantly, haha. I used to tweak premade tumblr themes starting in 2013, and I took a web design class in 2017 for a single semester to get better at it.
I didn't make my first real website(s) until 2022, where I used the zonelets base to create an art portfolio. When it was time to make a personal site, I originally was planning on using sadgrl.online's layout builder, but only had the site up for about 9 months with basically zero progress (except for a few shrines) before completely overhauling it into what you see now. This is my first wholly original site!
I'm a furry artist who draws the most self indulgent bullshit you can imagine. Probably a good 75% of my portfolio is of my own fursonas. My artistic endeavors are to have fun and express myself (and also to make the world a little more queer, autistic, and furry). It honestly drains me to create art that I'm not passionate about! I've been wanting to create more narrative work lately, but this doesn't go against my main values as an artist: I want to create stories that are written for me, and any audience gained from that is an appreciated afterthought.
I draw mainly with textured brushes, and lineless is my go-to style. I originally started drawing lineless because making crisp perfect lineart was ruining the joy of art for me, and I needed to change something fast or I was going to burn out. Now I'm a little more comfortable with lined work (mostly textured, but sometimes crisp or pixelated) and always excited, though apprehensive, to try new things!
Art is the one thing that I've been passionate about since the beginning. Yes, I'm one of those artists who will tell you they've been drawing since they could hold a crayon—because I have! Ever since I was a kid I have been enamored by art and creativity. As a child I would draw pokemon and strange creatures and dragons in my notebooks and on printer paper. When I joined chickensmoothie; a petsite with an oekaki board; in 2012, I finally was exposed to other artists like me. This was also where I started making digital art for the first time, and where I discovered furries. I was a passive member (but still a member) before joining deviantart in 2013, and ever since then I've been getting more and more furry and artsy.
Art is important to me: I live and breathe art, being an artist is important to my entire sense of self. I believe in the free trading of ideas and inspiration, I don't believe art should be controlled or censored or regulated by things like copyright. To do so would be to kill art. All art is a web of inspiration and infnuences, and to try and stifle this is only going against what art is. You have free reign to take inspiration from my works, whether that be illustration or design or stories or anything, as long as you mention me if the inspiration is heavy. I'd be honored to know someone was driven to create by something I did.
My dream one day is to run my own independent online shop and sell merch related to my art: buttons, stickers, apparel, prints, zines, comic, the likes. Not even to make a ton of money or become popular—I just want my art to be important enough for it to be in other people's lives. I'd gladly give out the things I want to make for free if it wouldn't cost me anything.
my little pony (g1-g4), electric dreams (1984), tokusatsu (mainly kaiju/ultraman)
little shop of horrors, fun home, falsettos, beetlejuice, legally blonde, hadestown
Video Games
rhythm heaven, animal crossing, deltarune, pokemon (especially mystery dungeon), mario bros
halley labs, lemon demon, machine girl, patricia taxxon, the scary jokes, vylet pony
furries, queer culture/history, carnivorous plants (real and fictional), conlangs (especially toki pona), plushie/toy collecting, animatronics (chuck e. cheese/the rock-afire eexplosion mainly), virtual/robot/digital pets (especially neopets, furbies, and tamagotchi), old internet, abstract/experimental art

I have had a lot of fursonas over the years, but Kittylove is my main at the moment and the mascot of this website!
I made it on June 7th, 2023 (with its design finalized on June 11th) after getting kittybrained by Izutsumi from Dungeon Meshi, which one of my friends was sending screenshots of. It took me one billion different designs and color pallets to reach something I was happy with, but now I love it a bunch!
It was intended to be a side sona for wish fulfillment fantasy (aka, "be a cozy queer book store employee"), but that obviously didn't happen, lol.
I'm furry in an alterhuman way: My fursonas are ingrained into my identity, species and all. Kittylove is me in the flesh, and it shares all my personality traits and likes (except it's a bit more silly).

It's dating Audrey II! (And several other fictional characters but Twoey is the main one).